SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


Welcome to SHARP-Pakistan.


Society for Human Rights & Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

Activites & Events

Training Workshop with Senior Police Officials in Karachi

Team ALAC Karachi conducted a training workshop on human rights and refugee laws with senior police officials in Karachi. SHOs and IOs from district South Karachi attended while Mr. Qaim Din (Director, CAR Karachi Office), Mr. Hafeez Kakar from UNHCR and Mr. Uzair Ahmed (SP, South Karachi) were the honourable guests who were presented with

Training Workshop with Senior Police Officials in Karachi Read More »

Training Workshop for Civil Society, Academia and Media at Islamia University Bahawalpur

SHARP Pakistan organised an innovative training workshop on human rights and refugee rights, specially designed for civil society, academia and media professionals at Islamia University of Bahawalpur’s Department of Media & Communication Studies. We were thrilled to have over 70 participants including faculty, PhD and M.Phil students, and representatives from local civil society and media.

Training Workshop for Civil Society, Academia and Media at Islamia University Bahawalpur Read More »

Team ALAC Conducted a Training Workshop with Police Officials at Capital Police College Islamabad

Team ALAC Islamabad conducted a training workshop on Human rights & Refugee rights at Capital Police College (CPC), Islamabad. Mr. Shakir Hussain Dawar, Commandant CPC, attended as chief guest while DSP Mr. Mahfooz Kiani was guest of honour, both of whom were presented with commemorative shields by PD-ICT Mr. Tufail Ahmad.

Team ALAC Conducted a Training Workshop with Police Officials at Capital Police College Islamabad Read More »