SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


Welcome to SHARP-Pakistan.


Society for Human Rights and Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

Country head UNHCR Pakistan visits SHARP-Pakistan Office

Country head UNHCR Pakistan Ms. Ruvendrini Menikdiwela visits SHARP-Pakistan Office

Ms. Ruvendrini Menikdiwela, Country head UNHCR Pakistan visits SHARP-Pakistan Office Islamabad on 18 December, 2017.

Project Director SHARP-Pakistan gave overview about SHARP’s work and contributions SHARP has made towards empowering communities through legal aid and sensitization of relevant stakeholders over a period of time. He shared unique advantage of SHARP’s working with multiple stakeholders.

Team Lead ALAC, RSD and Programme unit at SHARP Office shared the progress and achievements of SHARP. The Team discussed the challenges and solution strategy for Afghan Refugees.

Mr. Mudassar Javed, Director SHARP acknowledged the support of UNHCR for the protection of Refugees in Pakistan and thanked the country head for visiting SHARP office. He discussed the issues related to promotion of visibility /information on refugees and services, Advocacy through Al Qanoon for Refugee Law, enhanced Capacity building for Law Enforcement agencies including Police, Judiciary, Prosecution and Lawyers.

Ms. Ruvendrini appreciated the efforts of SHARP-Pakistan for protection and promotion of human rights and greeted the SHARP Team for their hard work and commitment towards the gigantic task of protecting vulnerable communities in Pakistan. Ms. Sophia Javaid (Head Field Unit), Mr. Yasir Ayaz Khan and Ms. Shaista Kiran (UNHCR) were also present.