SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


Welcome to SHARP-Pakistan.


Society for Human Rights and Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

One-day Capacity building training for Police Officials (Attock)

SHARP-Pakistan organized one day training workshop on “Human rights and Refugee rights in Pakistan” to educate and sensitize Police officials, 21st April-18 , Police Lines Attock.

Objectives of the training workshop: Main objectives included

  • Institutional capacity building and strengthen the relation between SHARP/UNHCR and Police department by enlightening the mandate of SHARP/UNHCR.
  • To update Police officials about extension notifications regarding stay of Afghans in Pakistan
  • To enhance their knowledge on Human Rights and Refugee rights through different sessions on Human rights and refugee rights in context of national and international laws.

Opening of Training:

SHARP Lawyer, Ms. Najma welcomed to participants and shared the objectives of the training workshop.

Recitation of Holy Quran:

Training workshop formally started with Recitation of the Holy Quran by Mr.Muhammad Umer ,Police line officer.

Welcome Speech:

Mr. Mudassar, Director SHARP-Pakistan started by formally welcoming the officers who have taken time out from their busy schedule to take part in the “Capacity Building Workshop”.  He thanked the DPO office Attock and congratulated Police Department for providing enormous support for organizing this workshop.

He further added that SHARP-Pakistan since 1999, thousands of police Officials/public prosecutors/lawyers from all over Pakistan have participated in SHARP Training program and through this workshop; you will increase your knowledge about human rights/refugees rights and foreigner act. You will have sessions from well-known and skilled professionals from SHARP &UNHCR. They will share their knowledge and experience with you.

He maintained that we also expect to learn from you. Your questions, comments and observations are valuable to us and we are confident that your efforts will be paid off to further enrich your knowledge and experience and contribute to your future career.

Introduction of SHARP-Pakistan:

Mr. Mudassar, before giving brief intro about SHARP-Pakistan, he talked about norms settings of training. After that, he gave a detailed overview about the core function of SHARP-Pakistan. He mentioned that Society for human Rights and prisoners’ Aid is an Implementing partner of UNHCR and  is a non–government and non-profit organization, which is working for vulnerable communities and refugees in different parts of Pakistan, through designated offices in Karachi, Lahore, Mianwali, KPK and Head office in Islamabad. SHARP-Pakistan is providing free legal Aid, advice, and assistance to Afghans Refugees and Asylum seekers in Pakistan under UNHCR mandate. Mr. Mudassar also highlighted the operational strategies of the organization and shared that through Al-Qanoon magazine SHARP is reaching out to all the stakeholders and communities and creating the momentum for promoting and protecting of rights of all segments of the society.

Presentation on “Human Rights/Refugee rights” by Mr. Nadeem Farid:

Mr. Nadeem, a full bright scholar and ex-civil judge firstly, briefed the objectives of the session. He emphasized that without having clear picture of Human rights, we cannot bring positive change in society. He stated that Human rights are those rights, which are inherited by all human beings. He further explained that we all are equally entitled to our human rights without any discrimination. These rights are interdependent and indivisible. Mr. Nadeem also quoted historical background of Human rights, by giving reference  of  Hammurabi ( 1790 BC ), Holy Quran and the last sermon ( 632AD) , Charter of Madina ( 622 AD) , Edicts of Ashoka ( 272-231 ), Mgna Carta (1215AD), English Bill of Rights ( 1689 AD), French Declaration of Rights of Man and citizen ( 1789), American Declaration of Independence (1776AD),US Bill of Rights( 1791AD),Universal Declaration of HR ( 1948AD).He also explained the concept by relating it with Constitution of Pakistan 1973, and emphasizing more through his Turn Around theory. Mr. Nadeem also give conducted a short session on Juvenile justice and Prisoners’ rules.

Mr. Nadeem was really enthusiastic and all the participants enjoyed his presentation. His interactive approach was enjoyable and very much learning orientated. Overall his session was very good and beneficial and the participants showed their interest by asking different questions and he satisfied all queries of participants.

Presentation on Foreigner’s Act by Mr. Taufiq:

Mr. Taufiq briefed the participants about scope of Foreigner’s Act, 1946. After explaining the definition of “Foreigner he explained them main important sections of the said act which were Section 4,8,10,13 (A,B) and Section 14, 14A, 14B.He further briefed them that section 14 of  Foreigner’s Act doesn’t attract the refugees as they have legal documents to stay in Pakistan. He also explained the procedure of verification of card by sending their card number to “7000”.At the end; Mr. Taufiq answered their queries and satisfied those at their best.

Presentation on Gender Based Violence:

Mr. Mudassar very well presented on Gender Based Violence by clarifying the difference between GBV and SGBV. GBV is a wider term which also covers SGBV. Gender based violence is Physical, Social or mental violence, which is directed against a person because of his/her gender. He also briefed the difference between sex and Gender. He referred sex to biological and physiological differences between Men and Women acquired by birth and they are unchangeable, whereas Gender referred to socially constructed identities and attributes, which are changeable. He further added that gender role as per need and circumstances can be changed.

Mr. Mudassar very efficiently replied the participant’s questions.

Closing Remarks by DPO Attock:

 At the end Chief Guest Mr. Abadit Nisar (DPO Attock) extended special thanks to SHARP-Pakistan and UNHCR team for organizing successful training for police officials. He also appreciated SHARP & UNHCR for providing this learning opportunity to the police officials and thanked all the participants for benefitting from this training workshop. He also asked all the participants for commitment of serving humanity at their best without any discrimination. He took pledge from all the participants that whoever visits you at your duty station “Greet him or her with warmth as to be in uniform our responsibility increases more towards our country.” this kind gesture will be the beginning of building good image of the police department.

Vote of Thanks by Mr. Mudassar Javed:

Mr. Mudassar shared her views about training and on behalf of UNHCR thanked DPO Attock Mr. Abadit Nisar for his support and appreciated for his good administration. He also appreciated SHARP-Pakistan Islamabad team to organize such a successful training.

 Award ceremony:

Mr. Mudassar Presented Shields to Mr. Abadit Nisar on behalf of SHARP-Pakistan and distributed certificate among all participants. Worthy DPO Mr. Abadit Nisar also presented souvenir to SHARP-Pakistan.