SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


Welcome to SHARP-Pakistan.


Society for Human Rights & Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

Request for Proposal:: Security Services

SHARP-Pakistan invites Request for Proposal for provision of Security Services, as per below details:

You are requested to submit a proposal for security services as detailed in Terms of Reference. Your proposal could form the basis for a contract between your company and SHARP – Pakistan.

To enable you to submit a proposal, please find enclosed. {see enclosed items in ToR at the end of this document}

  1. Annex-I: Terms Of Reference (TOR) containing a description of required services.
  2. Annex-II: Contents of the proposal.
  3. Annex-III: Price Proposal Form
  4. Annex-IV: Vendor registration form, which you are requested to fill in and return with your proposal.
  5. Annex-V: Details of Evaluation
  6. Annex-VI: GENRAL Terms and conditions

This letter is not to be construed in any way as an offer to contract with your company.

Manner of Submission:

Your proposal should be prepared in English.

Your proposal shall comprise the following documents:

  1. Technical component, and
  2. Price component.

Your proposal, in original shall be sealed in an outer and two inner envelopes as detailed below:

The outer envelope shall be addressed as follows:

Both the inside envelopes shall indicate your firms name and address. The first inner envelope shall be marked “Technical Proposal” and contain the technical component of your proposal. The second inner envelope shall be marked “Price Proposal” and include your price component.

Proposals must be received by SHARP at the above address on or before 7th May 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Any proposal received after this date or sent to another address may be rejected. SHARP may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of proposals, all notifying all prospective contractors in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the RFP documents prepared by SHARP – Pakistan at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective contractor.

You are requested to hold your proposal valid for 90 days from the deadline of the submission. SHARP will make its best effort to select a company within this period.

Please note that the cost of preparing a proposal and of negotiating a contract, including any related travel, is not reimbursable nor can it be included as a direct cost of the assignment.

Any requests for clarification should be referred to Mr. Jahanzeb Aftab, at SHARP may, at its discretion, copy any reply to a particular question to all other invited firms/institutions.

We would appreciate your informing us by email as to:

  1. Your receipt of this request for proposal.
  2. Whether or not you will be submitting a proposal.

ToRs for this tender:
The ToRs are available and can be downloaded from this link: RFP-Security-Services-Contract and Vendor Registration Form.