SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


Welcome to SHARP-Pakistan.


Society for Human Rights and Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

Intro – Vision, Mission, and Objectives


Society for Human Rights and Prisoners Aid (SHARP), is a non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 (XLVI of 1961). It was established in 1999.

Registration No:  VSWA/ICT/300 on 11th March 1999.

SHARP is striving for a human rights friendly Pakistan by working for the well-being of vulnerable segments of the society through various interventions including advocacy, community services, capacity building, emergency response etc. SHARP has served various marginalized segments of the society including refugees, IDPs, women, juvenile delinquents, street children, prisoners etc.) in the following thematic areas:

  • Protection especially Child Protection,
  • Emergency Response,
  • Advocacy,
  • Education,
  • Infrastructure Development,
  • Health


SHARP envisions a human rights friendly Pakistan indiscriminative of cast, creed, color, sex, ethnicity and/or nationality.


SHARP aspires to pursue its humanitarian vision by forging strategic partnerships with like-minded humanitarian community, both national and international and carry out community and policy advocacy, service delivery and capacity building initiatives to protect and empower the marginalized and deprived segments of the society in a bid to garner a socially just and enabling society.

Aims and Objectives:

    1. To work for the eradication of injustices from the society by promoting measures for the provision of speedy justice to common man, irrespective of gender, color, creed, ethnicity, race etc with special focus on disadvantaged groups.
    2. To achieve justice by empowering individuals, protect fundamental rights, strengthen communities and create opportunities through advocacy, education, collaboration and litigation.
    3. To conduct coordinate, facilitate, organize training courses for staff, associates, beneficiaries of the society, development agencies. Legal fraternity, governmental bodies and other stakeholders etc.
    4. To support, establish and maintain institutions and centers for the guidance and help of victims and affected persons who had suffered/suffering at the altar of our judicial system.
    5. To sponsor social protection programs, projects, aid and to take steps and other necessary measures directly or indirectly to provide assistance to the disadvantage groups in recognition of basic Human Rights needs and demands, as enunciated in the Constitution of Pakistan for the common citizen of the country.
    6. To struggle against discriminatory laws based on cast, race, sex, religion, and for minority rights etc.
    7. To provide social support. guidance counseling, and legal aid to women reportedly or allegedly involved in criminal cases either in police/ judicial custody or facing problems of domestic violence.
    8. To provide humanitarian assistance for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction during and post emergencies in recognition of human rights of the affected population.
    9. To facilitate and develop an environment for economic rights of the neglected or needy communities particularly focusing women.
    10. To sensitize Govt officials, local bodies and public representatives regarding Human Rights through lobbying and advocacy programmers.
    11. To conduct research studies for legal reforms and wider dissemination regarding Human Rights situation in Pakistan.