SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


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Society for Human Rights and Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

Forced Demolishing of houses in RV Gandaf

The District administrator (DA) Mardan, informed the SHARP team Mardan on 16-01-2018 that a landowner Aziz (Pakistani national) came Gandaff camp along with the Machinery and intended to demolish some houses without having any legal documents. Although camp is under the jurisdiction and the administration of Commissioner of Afghan refugee (CAR).

The SHARP team visited the camp on the same day and witnessed that a large area was badly destroyed. In result the water supply pipelines of houses were damaged, due to which water supply was stopped to the houses.

Resident of the camp stated that they tried to stop the landowner from digging the land and demolishing the houses but he didn’t pay any attention and continue the process. In the result their houses were damaged. They further told that in the meanwhile, they contacted the local Police station and the SHO arrived on the spot. The SHO stopped the landowner from digging the land, demolishing of the houses. He ordered him to repair the damaged water supply pipelines and appear to the police station tomorrow, where the matter will be discussed with the complainants of the incident.

On the same day the SHARP team visited the concerned police station along with the residents of the camp. The Team contacted the landowner to visit to the local police station and he should bring the ownership documents. He excused that he is out of station.  Consequently the team visited the District Police officer (DPO), Swabi. The Principal staff officer (PSO) of the DPO informed the team that DPO is busy in a meeting. The team brings in the notice of the PSO about the incident and briefed him that this land/Camp is under the Jurisdiction of the Commissionerate of Afghan refugee (CAR) and administered by District administrator Mardan. The SHARP team further explains to the PSO that Even if he is the owner he must come through proper channel and also follow the policy of the government. On the request of the team the PSO called the SHO of the concerned Police station and instruct him to prevent that the landowner from digging/damaging the land and houses of the Camp without any justification.

On the following day the DA, Mardan also called the DPO Swabi and requested him to prevent the landowner from damaging the land and houses of the Camp, which comes under the jurisdiction and administration of the DA office, Mardan.

The landowner along with some other fellows again came with heavy machinery. This time ALAC team Mardan involved police by calling DPO Swabi. He instructed the concern SHO to arrest the landowner in order to maintain the law and order situation. The SHO arrested the driver of excavator while rest of the fellows ran away.

In result the issue was resolved successfully by the quick response of sharp ALAC team Mardan along with effective coordination of the District Administrator (CAR) Mardan.