SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


Welcome to SHARP-Pakistan.


Society for Human Rights & Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

One-day Capacity building training for Police Officials (Bhakkar)

One-day Capacity building training for Police Officials (Bhakkar)

On 14th November 2017, SHARP ALAC-III team organized One-Day training Workshop in Collaboration with UNHCR to sensitize Police officials on “Human & Refugee Rights” in context of National & International Law at Police Line, District, Bhakkar to brief them about Human and Refugee Rights, Foreigners Act, 1946, Social & Legal Status of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan.

One-day Capacity building training for Police Officials (Bhakkar)

In this training workshop 88 senior police officials Included (DSP’s, SHO’s, SI’s, ASI’s and other investigation officers) participated. The training workshop included lectures, discussions, and role playing training. Video & E-learning sessions were also included to aware the participants about updated verification process and to understand effectively.

Mr. Ahsan Ali warmly welcomed all the honorable participants and gave brief introduction about SHARP-PAKISTAN. He provided a thorough overview about the scope and performance of Society for Human Rights & Prisoners Aid. Mr. Mudassar Javed Director LAP also welcomed all the worthy participants paid thank for giving up their valuable time to attend the workshop and gave a brief presentation on Human Rights. He briefed the objectives of the session to develop a clear understanding towards the conception of human rights.

Further Mr. Yasir Ayaz Field Associate officer told about the mandate of UNHCR to worthy participants and presented a session on Refugee rights, international protection and legal status of afghan refugees in Pakistan. He emphasized that mandate of UNHCR is to provide international protection to refugees and Seek durable solutions to refugee problems.

The last session of the training workshop was on Foreigners Act, 1946 which was presented by Guest speaker Mr. Imran Goraiya (ADPP). He also told that the Afghan refugees cannot be arrested in 14 Foreigners Act 1946. He briefed participants that registered Afghan Refugees can legally stay in COA till 31st December 2017. After last session of training workshop the chief guest honorable Mr. Khalid Masood Chaudhary gave plausible remarks and appreciated this step of SHARP-Pakistan & UNHCR and also gave direction to all the police officials to learn from this training workshop and should proceed accordingly.

At the end of event Mr. Imran khan FM/ Lawyer ALAC-III warmly thanked to all the honorable participants and worthy guests for their giving up their valuable time and participation.