SHARP-PAKISTAN regularly organizes sensitization and awareness raising trainings workshops for Judiciary, Law enforcement agencies (Police and FIA officials), Public Prosecutors, Lawyers, CSOs, Media and law students on diverse topics, through this initiative. SHARP-Pakistan has capacitated 40 security personnel on July 15, 2021 by arranging one day training workshop for Police Officials on Human Rights & Refugees Rights in Police lines Chakwal. Main objective was to strengthen the bilateral relations with Police officials, by enlightening the mandate of SHARP/UNHCR, to update them about extension notification, regarding stay of Afghans, DRIVE exercise in Pakistan and to enhanced their knowledge about Refugee rights through different sessions on Human rights and Refugee rights. Mr. Faisal Saleem (SP Investigation Chakwal), DSP Headquarters, Ms. Bushra Abdul Ghani & DSP Saddar Circle, Mr. Waqar Azeem and, all the participants appreciated the SHARP team to grace the occasion with their immense presence.