SHARP OFFICIAL COMPLAINT NO. 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072 0330-000-7072


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Society for Human Rights and Prisoners' Aid (SHARP-Pakistan)

Striving for a Human Rights friendly Pakistan

Resolving The Land Dispute through Dispute Resolution Council

Resolving The Land Dispute through Dispute Resolution Council (DRC)

SHARP ALAC team Mardan intervenes in the case of land dispute in Dispute Resolution Council (DRC) Takhtbhai where two Pakistani nationals filed an application in the office of District Police Officer (DPO) Mardan in which they complained that some families of refugees named Lal Khan s/o Char Gul, Nazir Gul s/o Char Gul and Anayat s/o Char Gul, illegally occupied a house measuring about 70 to 80 marlas situated in the Jalala camp, Mardan. The DPO then referred the case to DRC Takht Bai. The case was referred to Sharp Mardan by the refugee village administrator (RVA) Jalala.

The fact of the case is that, the owner of the land adjacent to the affected refugee’s house gave a piece of land measuring about 80 marlas to a widow in the compensation of Diyat. That widow then sold the same land on the complainant party. Now the complainant party made a plan to occupy the house of those refugees through a fake document. That house is constructed in the jurisdiction of Jalala camp Mardan and these 06 families living in the said house from last 30 to 35 years.

The ALAC team appeared in the case just for the guidance of DRC members as they also interested in getting the information about camps jurisdiction and administration. The ALAC team member explained that all camps are made by the Deputy Commissioner of each district and handed over to Commissionerate Afghan Refugee (CAR) about 40 years before. All refugees were residing in these camps from last 40 years. These camps are administered by RVA on the camp level and District Administrators (DA) on the district level as employees of Commissionerate. The jurisdiction of every camp is mentioned in the maps.

Asking from DRC members the ALAC team member told them that they may serve notice to the concern RVA for the necessary records. On getting all information the DRC served a notice to the RVA and instructed him to appear in the upcoming date of hearing.

The ALAC team Mardan appeared in the second date of hearing in the case of land dispute in Dispute Resolution Council (DRC) Takhtbai.
The representative of Commissionerate Afghan Refugee (CAR) was also present in the DRC with all record and data of the camp. He also explained that all the camps were made by the deputy commissioner of every district. He showed all the records of the affected family in their register.

The ALAC team member and representative of CAR explained the Policy of the state for the refugees. All refugees were residing in these camps from last 40 years. These camps are administered by RVA on the camp level and District Administrators (DA) on the district level as employees of Commissionerate.

After recognizing all the facts, members of DRC gave the decision in the favor of refugees and strictly instructed the local persons that they will only utilize their purchased land and will not interfere in the premises of their houses.

The case is solved successfully through effective presentation of the case in the DRC and active coordination between the Sharp ALAC team and the representative of CAR. District Administrator CAR and Refugee Village Administrator highly appreciated SHARP team for their timely response and making the issue to a peaceful solution.

Resolving The Land Dispute through Dispute Resolution Council